
Saturday 8 January 2022

Vegetable of cauliflower greens (leafs) /गोभी के पत्तों की सब्ज़ी

Sabzi of Cauliflower Leaves 

The green leaves encasing cauliflower which are usually thrown in dustbin are very nutritious. So do not throw the nutrient (which are more than the cauliflower) in bin, bring them on your dining table. I an sure you all will enjoy it.
In my blog I have posted the recipe of cauliflower leave's stalks sabzi.

Nutritional Value of Cauliflower Leaves (per 100 gm) :

Energy : 66 cal. 

Carbs : 7.6 gm

Proteins : 5.9gm

Fats : 1.3gm

Sugar : 0gm

Ash: 3.2gm

Water : 80 gm

Dietary Fibers : 2.0gm 

Extremly rich in calcium, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus and Selinium. 

Rich source of Vitamin A, C, B6, Folates. 

Infact it is rich natural source of calcium for those who have lactose intolerance. 

Ingredients Required For Making Cauliflower leave's sabzi :

  • Tender leaves of Cauliflower : 100-150 gm. 

  • Potato : 1small (20-30 gm approximately) 
  • The thick stem of cauliflower (optional) 
  • Whole Red chili : 1 (broken to pieces) 
  • Cumin seeds :1/2 teaspoon 
  • Coriander seeds: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida (hing) : 2-3pinches 
  • Cooking oil : 10 - 15 ml (I use mustard oil) 
  • Turmeric powder : 1/2 teaspoon 
  • Salt :1 teaspoon or to taste 

Direction for Making Cauliflower leave's Sabzi :

  • Wash the leaves very nicely and thoroughly. I prefer soaking them in salt water for 30 minutes then washing to make sure as much as possible unrequired things are removed from leaves. 
  • Drain all water. Chop the leaves as finely as possible. 
  • Remove the hard outer covering of the stem of cauliflower, discard the peels and cut the soft inner core to pieces. 
  • Cut potato to pieces of the size as you want, I prefer small pieces. 

Chopped leaves, soft part of stem and potato

  • Crush coriander seeds with a rolling pin or in pestle and mortar so that they break to half. 
  • Heat oil in Iron wok/any thick bottom wok /pan. 
  • When the oil is hot (not smoking), reduce the heat to low then add :

  1. Cumin seeds 
  2. Crushed coriander seeds
  3. Broken red chili pieces 
  4. When seeds start sputtering and change color (it will take roughly 30 seconds), add asafoetida. 

  • Cook for 30 second, then add potato pieces and stem pieces. 

Spices cooked in oil 
Pieces of Potato and soft core of potato added 

  • Cook on low flame for 2-3 minutes. 

After cooking for 3minutes 

  • Add Chopped cauliflower leaves. 
  • Mix nicely. Then add turmeric and salt. 

  • Mix nicely then cover and and cook for 10 minutes on low heat, stirring in between. 
  • Potato pieces will be cooked to softness and the Chopped leaves will change the color and will become tender. 
  • If you find the leaves little less tender to your liking cook for another minute or so. 
  • Cover and allow it to cool. The remainder heat Wil keep the sabzi cooking. 

  • Remove in a serving bowl. Tasty, healthy, Nutritious sabzi of cauliflower leaves is ready. Heat before serving. 

Sabzi of Caulifllower leaves 


  • Make sure all leaves are unblemished. 
  • Soaking and washing with thoroughly ensures all chemicals sprayed by farmers is removed. 
  • Finer you chop the leaves better it is. 
  • The reason for not adding strong spices like garam masala or jeera powder is that it will overcome the delicate flavor (which is amazing) and taste of cauliflower leaves. 

Alternate Suggestions :

  • If one wishes whole leaves can be blanched before chopping. For blanching :boil water with spoonful of salt, once water starts boiling switch off the heat and put the leaves in salt - water solution. Leave the leaves in hot water for two minutes then sieve off the water and pour chilled water on the leaves. Once cooled, pat dry the blanched leaves and chop finely. 
  • Few stalks of the leaves (finely chopped) can be added along with potato pieces. This will add a texture to the sabzi. 

  • One teaspoon amchur powder can be added along with salt and turmeric powder.

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