
Tuesday 1 June 2021

Roasted Tomato Chutney

Roasted Tomato Chutney 

This tomato chutney has amazing roasted flavor and taste of roasted tomatoes, garlic and green chilies. The whole thing is to balance the amount of Pudina /Dhaniya. 

Rich in dietary fibers, goodness of fresh mint, it makes a great dip /sauce with fritters (pakodas), barbecued fish /chicken/veggies etc. It is very a side dish with any meal.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Roasting Time : 10 minutes 
Cleaning and grinding : 5 minutes 
Serving: Makes 15 Table spoon chutney

Ingredients Required for Making Roasted Tomato Chutney :
  • Medium size Fleshy Tomatoes : 5
  • Fresh Mint (pudina) : 25 - 30Leaves
  • Medium size bulb of Garlic : 1
  • Green Chilies : 3-4 or as per taste 
  • Oil (sunflower/olive) : 1 Teaspoon 
  • Salt: 1 Teaspoon or as per taste 
  • Jaggery: 1/2 Teaspoon (optional) 
Directions For Making Roasted Tomato Chutney:
  • Wash and pat dry tomatoes, green chilies and mint. 
  • With the help of knife prick tomatoes and slit green chilies
  • Apply cooking oil on your palm and rub oil on tomatoes and chilies. 
  • On gas /coal/or any other stove roast tomatoes, green chilies and bulb of garlic over low heat. Low heat will ensure proper roasting. 
  • Once the skin of tomatoes become black chilies also start getting black spots and garlic bulb's skin gets charred remove them from heat. 
Roasted Ingredients 
  • Let them cool. Once cooled to room temperature remove charred skin of tomatoes. Chop them roughly. 
  • Remove all garlic pods from roasted bulb and peel them. 
Cleaned Roasted Ingredients 
Fresh Mint with roasted ingredients 
  • In a mixter/grinder take:
  1. Chopped roasted tomatoes, 
  2. Roasted garlic,
  3. Roasted green chilies, 
  4. Mint, 
  5. Jaggery, 
  6. Salt, 
  • Grind to fine paste. 
  • Put one teaspoon of oil and mix. 
Roasted Tomato Chutney 
  • Adjust salt. Store in an airtight glass container. 
  • This chutney remains fresh for long time in fridge. 
  • Enjoy chutney with mixed dal vada
Tips : 
  • Tomatoes should be of thick, fleshy variety. 
  • Taste green chilies for their hotness before use and adjust the amount accordingly. 
  • Oil used in chutney should not have strong smell, else it will change the flavor and taste of chutney. 
  • Oil makes chutney to remain fresh and maintain its color for long time. 
Suggested Variations:
  • Instead of only mint (pudina), 1:1mixture of fresh coriander leaves(dhaniya patta) and mint can be taken. 
Chutney with 1:1Ratio of Mint and Fresh Coriander 
  • Mint can be completely replaced by fresh coriander leaves. 
  • Even though garlic adds that yuumy punch to chutney if you like you can avoid it.
  • If one wants a bit more tartness to chutney little amount of tamarind or 1teadpoon of tamarind pulp can be added to the ingredients before grinding. 

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