
Thursday 16 October 2014

Mutton-Do-Pyaja मटन दो प्याज़ा (Indian Mutton Savory)

Steamed Rice and Mutton-Do-Pyaja
Mutton-do-pyaja is succulent pieces of mutton in gravy made by using onion in two different form i.e. long thin cut onion and well browned onion paste. The amount of onion taken is almost double by weight than that of mutton. I personally feel that since mutton has its own flavor which it imparts to the gravy also thus too much masala (Spices) overwhelm mutton and the muttonny flavor is completely camouflaged. Do-pyaja gravy has its origin in Lucknow in Mughal era. To give it Mughlai aura lots of Cashew nut, Almonds were added. I prefer Mutton-Do-Pyaja without any further addition of nuts so that the mutton can be enjoyed completely.

Preparation Time: 1 hrs.(Marination time not included)
Cooking Time: 1.30 hrs (Approximately)
Servings: 10 Large Servings

Ingredients Required For Making Mutton-Do-Pyaja:
  • 1 kg. Mutton (Goat meat)
  • 1 and 1/2kg. Onion
  • One tomato (roughky 100 gm)
  • 10-15 gm Garlic
  • 15 gm. Ginger
  • 2-3 Teaspoon Powder of Red Kashmiri Mirch Powder(optional)
  • 2-3 Lawang (Cloves)
  • 2 Bay leafs
  • 2 Whole Red Chili
  • 4-5 Sabut Kali Mirch (Pepper corn)
  • 2-3 cm. Stick of Cinnamon
  • 4-5 Teaspoon Coriander seed powder (Dhaniya)
  • 1 Teaspoon Turmeric
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 Red chili powder(Or to taste) (optional)
  • 10 ml. Cooking oil (I use mustard oil) 5+5 ml.
  • 10-15 ml. Ghee (Clarified butter)
  • 100 gm. Thick fresh Curd
Direction for Making Mutton-Do-Pyaja:
1.       Making Marinade:
  • Make fine paste of Garlic and Ginger. 
  • In a large bowl mix:
    • Curd
    • 1 Teaspoon salt
    • 1 Teaspoon Red chili powder
    • 1 Teaspoon Kashmiri Mirch powder
    • 2 Teaspoon Dhaniya powder
    • Garlic-Ginger paste
    • Turmeric powder
  • Thick uniform paste of marinade is ready.
2.       Marinating the Mutton:
  • Wash mutton thoroughly in flowing water.
  • Drain water completely.
  • Mix marinade to mutton making sure all pieces of mutton are coated with marinade.
  • Keep the mutton with marinade in a covered bowl for at least 2 to 3 hrs. Longer it is kept more will be the flavor of mutton and spices mixed with each other. Or 
  • Can keep for marinating before chopping work is done.
Marinated Mutton
3.       Cooking Process for Mutton-Do-Pyaja:
  • Peel 1/2 kg of onions and cut them to long pieces. Any thickness will do as they have to be cooked and made to paste.
  • In a thick bottom wok take 5 ml. of oil and heat. When the oil is hot add all cut onion and reduce the flame.
  • Cook on low flame till brown. Switch off the heat and allow the cooked onions to cool.
  • By the time onions are cooking peel rest of the 1 kg. Onions and cut them to long thin slices.
  • In a thick bottom wok take remaining 5 ml. of oil and heat on high flame. When the oil is hot, add the thinly slice onions and cook on low flame till transparent. Need not to brown them.
Sliced Onion cooking to trasparent state
  • In the same wok (Or other as per your wish) take 5 ml. of ghee and heat on high flame.
Spices in hot Ghee
  • When the ghee is smoking hot reduce the flame and add 
    • cinnamon
    •  cloves
    •  pepper corn 
    • Whole Red chili
    • Bay leafs
    • Cloves
 Let them split. (It will take a min. or two).
  • Add the marinated pieces of mutton without the thick liquid. Keep the liquid aside for later addition.
Mutton pieces in hot ghee with spices
Left over liquid of Marinated Mutton
  • Cook the mutton for 15 minutes with continuous stirring and turning upside down to make sure all pieces are evenly cooked in the oil. This will give the mutton a beautiful reddish brown color. Wonderful aroma of mutton and spices will start coming.
  • Add the thinly sliced transparent onions to mutton and cook for another 10 minutes with continuous stirring.
Transparently cooked onions added to mutton
  • Add onion paste and mix nicely and cook for another 5 min. this will make your onion mutton slightly brown and the color looks really wonderful.
Cooked onion paste added and mixed
  • Add all the liquid left from the marination and bring the flame to high.
  • Cook with continuous stirring till all the water evaporates.
Liquid of marination added and reduced
  • Bring the heat to low and add:
    • Salt (totaste)
    • Chili powder (to taste)
    • Remaining Dhaniya powder 
    • Kashmiri mirch powder
Basically all remainder spices are added at this stage.
  • Mix nicely and cook for another 2-3 min.
Ready for water to be added
  • Add water as per your requirement and mix. Cover and cook for 15-20- minutes with stirring occasionally. Or you can transfer the mutton from the wok with all the spices mixture to a pressure cooker and add water, cover the cooker with its lid and bring the heat to high till pressure is formed in the cooker. Lower the flame and cook for 10 min (Two whistles from the cooker).
  • Switch off the heat and allow pressure cooker to cool before removing the cooked mutton-do-pyaja from it.
  • Pour the remaining ghee on the top of cooked Mutton-Do-Pyaja and mix.
  • Serve piping hot delicious Mutton-Do-Pyaja with steamed rice/parantha/Chapatti.
Steamed rice with Mutton-Do-Pyaja 
  • The state of mutton when it just starts falling off the bone is best cooked mutton. Over or undercooked mutton would spoil the whole dish.
  • Do not add too much water right in one stage as excess af water will have to be evaporated and this can cause overcooking of mutton, where as if more water is required then it can be added anytime of cooking.
  • Onion paste masala and ginger-garlic paste can be made before hand and kept in fridge.
  • Non-stick/Anodized woks reduce the usage of oil thus I always use them if you are using any other wok then oil requirement may change.
  • Always taste the chili powder before adding as the degree of hotness of different brands is different.
  • You can garnish the cooked Mutton-Do-Pyaja with finely cut Coriander leafs.
  • Curd/Papad/salad served along with steamed rice and Mutton-Do-Pyaja are best accompaniment.
  • If you wish you can avoid adding ghee to cooked Mutton-Do-Pyaja but believe me it brings a certain different texture and flavor to the dish.
  • The consistency of gravy can be changed as per requirement by adding required water.
  • Whole spices should be cooked in ghee not oil to get best result.
Alternate Suggestions:
  • If in hurry one hour marination will do.
  • Mutton can be cooked along with sliced 1 kg onions. This reduces the cooking time and efforts.
  • If you wish then the amount of onions can be reduced to 1.500 kg. (1 kg +500 gm).
  • Red Kashmiri mirch powder adds lovely red color so if you do not have it then avoid. Only color will be different not the taste.
  • If curd is not available then 8-10 small pieces of raw papaya can be added in marinade. Papaya pieces should be removed before cooking the mutton. Curd/papaya helps in cooking the mutton fast. If papaya pieces are not removed then mutton pieces will literally melt in gravy an unwelcome thing.


  1. You can also try and order mutton pickle achar , and various non veg pickles by SITARA at their online store The India's biggest online store for pickles
