
Friday 11 July 2014

Chicken-Coriander Soup

Chicken-Coriander Soup
Chicken soup is very rich in nutrients and when mixed with coriander and lemon it becomes rich in vitamin C and Iron also. This gives it an edge over rest of the soups in taste as well as its therapeutic value. For a person suffering from cough, cold, and sore throat or is feeling low in energy this is the soup which helps tremendously and rejuvenating the system completely.  The lemony flavor along with the coriander makes it not only tasty but very appealing to our olfactory system. In simpler words the flavor of coriander and lemon make it very tempting and second helping is always called. If I am making the soup while my children are not well then I do not remove the fat otherwise fat is removed before dicing the chicken. It is very easy to make and does not require big preparations or long intricate steps.

Preparation Time: 5-10 min.
Cooking Time: 10-15 min
Servings: 4 Large helpings

Ingredients Required To Make Chicken-Coriander Soup:
  • 150 gm. Bone less chicken
  • 800 ml. Water
  • 10 ml. Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • Small bunch of Fresh Green Coriander Leaves
  • Salt to taste
Directions For making Chicken-Coriander Soup:
  • Wash chicken thoroughly and drain all water from it.
  • Dice chicken to small (1cm. approx.) pieces.
Diced Chicken
  • Clean and wash the coriander leaves thoroughly.
Coriander Leaves
  • Cut the coriander leaves to small pieces. It is not required to be cut finely.
  • Squeeze lemon and store the juice in the fridge.
  • Take water in a big cooking bowl and add salt to taste. Put it on the heat and let it boil.
  • Once water starts boiling lower the heat and add diced chicken in it and keep stirring while it is being cooked.
Chicken being Added To Boiling Water
  • Cook on low medium flame for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Chicken will turn to pinkish white and will become soft.
Chicken pieces after 5 Min. of Cooking
  • Switch off the heat and add the coriander.
  • Cover and allow it to stand for 2-3 minutes for coriander flavor to mix nicely with the soup and chicken pieces.
  • Take required amount of pieces and liquid in a soup bowl/Cup and add freshly squeezed lemon juice as per the taste.
  • Serve hot. It is healthy tasty and taken with crisp toast/ garlic bread makes full meal.
Chicken-Coriander soup
  • Chicken fat provides much needed energy and need not be removed but if it is being taken for watching the weight then it is suggested that fat be removed completely before dicing.
  • Wash coriander in flowing water even if it looks clean. Herbs grow nearest to the soil thus require utmost care during cleaning.
  • If the stalk of the coriander are hard then take only top green leafy part otherwise just remove the root and use rest, Why waste?
  • Do not cook the chicken for a long time as it will become chewy surely an unwelcome thing.
  • Keep stirring the chicken while it is cooking to avoid formation of chicken lump 
  • Add less salt to water during cooking the chicken more can be added after tasting the soup as per requirement. Excess salt will spoil the taste.
  • Do not add lemon juice while the chicken is cooking it will impart bitter taste to the soup. Add lemon juice to hot soup just before serving to get full flavor and taste.
Suggested Variations:
  • Few coriander leaves can be diced fine and added after adding lemon juice.
  • Cilantro which is one of the variety of coriander does not impart as good flavor as coriander leaves thus I prefer Coriander leaves (Dhaniya patta).

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