
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Barbecued Herbaceous Mushroom

Herbaceous Mushrooms
Mushrooms are one my favorite. Smoked/barbecued/ in salad/stir fry or any form I just love them. But herbaceous mushrooms are absolute winners for me. Delicately flavored with herb and barbecued to tenderness the juicy mushroom with pitta is heavenly combination.

Preparation Time: 10 min.
Cooking time:3-5 minutes for each skewer of mushrooms
Servings: 4 larger servings

Ingredients Required For Making Herbaceous Mushrooms:
  • 500 gm. Button mushrooms
  • 3 Tea spoons Dry Parsley / Basil / Oregano / celery
  • 2 Tea spoon Olive oil
  • 2 Tea spoon Lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
Direction For Making Herbaceous Mushroom:
  • Wash and towel dry the mushrooms.
  • In a bowl take
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Herb of your choice
  • Lemon juice
  • Mix all ingredients by beating with a fork till a homogenous mass is obtained.
  • Coat all mushrooms with the marinade; keep in a bowl and cover.
  • Let the mushrooms marinate for 5-10 min.
Mushrooms marinated in herbs marinade
  • Skewer the mushrooms and place on hot amber. Keep turning the skewer for even and uniform cooking.
Skewered marinated mushrooms
Mushrooms marinated in herbs being Barbecued on ambers
  • Cook for 2-3 min only with constant turning of skewer.
  • Remove the juicy, tender but firm herbaceous mushrooms on a serving plate and serve piping hot with chilled wine.
Herbaceous Mushrooms
  • Mushroom should be salted very gently little excess of salt can spoil the taste completely.
  • Mushrooms should not be left in the marinade for more than 10-15 min. Because the marinade contains salt and mushrooms if left for longer duration will lose water and turn limp.
  • Do not leave the skewer with mushroom for longer duration on coal, neither cook them in advance as reheating or over cooking will make them lose the juices and mushrooms will turn chewy.
  • Do not mix two herbs, make two or more marinade with different herbs and marinate mushrooms in different marinade separately.
Suggested variations:
  • Mixture of salt and pepper powder can be sprinkled just before removing from skewer along with a dash of lemon juice.
  • Salt can be added just before skewering the mushrooms to avoid leeching of juices.
  • Fresh herbs can be taken for marinating mushrooms, but make sure that the herbs are pounded very fine or cut extremely fine not made to paste. Fresh herbs add a totally different dimension to the Herbaceous-Mushrooms.

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