
Friday 3 January 2014

Makke ki roti/मक्के की रोटी ( Indian flat Bread From of Corn Meal)

Makke ki Roti with Butter
Makke ki Roti Sarson Ka Saag
Makka is corn and dried seeds of corn are ground to make unrefined flour. This unrefined corn flour is called makke ka aata. In whole of the northern belt of India flat bread made from this flour is very popular and winter is the season to enjoy the delightful combination of makke ki roti and sarson ka saag. From plain roti (Flat bread without oil/ghee) to different type of makke ka parantha are enjoyed along with salted drink of curd (Chas) or sweetened thick drink made of curd (Lassi). Though slightly tricky to make once learned you will want to make again and again. Seasoned experts do not use rolling pin to make this roti they use their palms I am unfortunately not one of them. Makke is roti with Aloo-Matar-Tamatar ki sabji is one of my favored combination when Sarson is not available. Try to end your winter dinner with makke ki roti with ghee and jaggery Oh! So yummy.

Preparation Time: 5 min.
Cooking Time 4-5 minutes/roti
Servings: makes 6-7 Medium size Makke ki roti

Ingredients Required for Making Makke ki Roti:
  • 500 g. Makke ka Atta
  • Water for making dough
Direction for Making Makke ki Roti:
  • Heat a thick tawa (Iron plate) and while you are masking the dough. If the tawa becomes hot lower the flame.
  • Heat 250 ml. water to 40-50oC (You should be able to dip fingers in it).
  • Take half of the flour and make a depression in the center. Pour 20-30 ml. water in the depression and slowly start mixing the flour with water.
  • When the flour and water is mixed with the help of the palm rub the flour water mixture and knead it till it becomes soft pliable dough. Mixing and mashing with palm can be done simultaneously. If more water is required then add in very small portions as excess water will cause dough to become too thin and will not be rolled to flat round.
  • The dough should be firm but soft. Dig your finger in the dough it should leave a depression.
Dough for Makke ki Roti
  • Divide the dough to two/three portions.
  • Take one portion Make a ball from it, flatten by pressing with your palm and sprinkle liberally all the sides with dry flour.
  • Sprinkle the rolling board with dry flour.
  • Place it on a rolling board and start rolling with rolling pin gently. This is the trickiest part.
Ball of dough liberally sprinkled with dry flour
  • While rolling if required sprinkle some more flour on it but do not try to pick the half rolled roti.
  • Once the roti is rolled to 5-6 inches diameter then pick up the rolling board with the roti and flip the rolled roti on your other hand palm or if possible on the hot tawa.
Rolled Makke ki Roti
Rolled makke ki roti cooking on thick Tawa
  • Spread 10-15 ml. water on the exposed side of roti on the tawa this will avoid the roti from becoming dry also the dry flour will not stick to the tawa.
Water spread on the exposed side of the roti
  • Cook on medium flame till the side touching the tawa starts getting pink spots.
Cooked on one side
  •  Flip the roti and cook for 30 sec.
  • Press with a clean damp cloth on the edges and the center till the other side also gets pinkish brown spots. 
Pressing with damp cloth to cook nicely
Cooked Makke ki Roti
Makke ki Roti with Butter
  • Lower the flame and wipe the tawa clean with a damp cloth.Repeat the same with rest of the dough. 
  • While the second roti is being made start making the dough for two more roti.
  • Serve this makke ki roti with Butter/ghee, sarson ka saag and chas/lassi.

Makke Ki Roti, Sarson ka saag and Chas
  • Do not get disheartened if the roti does not turn out perfect in first try, keep trying it will be tasty even if it is slightly on thicker side or breaks off.
  • Do not make all dough all at one time. This is one mistake I use to make. The dough becomes runny and difficult to roll. Maximum two roti dough should be made at one go.
  • Start making the dough when the tawa is hot.
  • More the dough is mashed by the heel of palm softer the dough easier to roll and lovely soft roti will be the result.
  • Never cook on too slow or too high heat first will make it hard second will cause it to remain uncooked from inside.
  • Do not add water in large portions while making the dough add little by little with mixing and mashing action.
  • Starters should give liberal sprinkle of dry flour to avoid the roti from sticking. Dust the rolled roti before putting it on tawa.
Alternate Suggestion:
  • Once the roti is cooked from both sides ghee can be spread on both sides and cooked to make parantha.
  • 1/2Teaspoon salt can be added to flour before making the dough.
  • Once you have perfected try adding grated mooli (radish)/finely cut onion/methi/palak to make different flavored parantha/roti of makka.
  • If you are a first timer then add 50 gm. of wheat flour to makke ka aata for easy rolling of the dough ball.

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