
Monday 23 December 2013

Banana-Jaggery Eggless Cake

Banana-Jaggery Cake

Banana-Jaggery cake

Cake is the flavor of season in the month of December, as from thanks giving to Christmas and New Year eve fall in this month. Many either are pure vegetarian or opt to have egg less cake. Egg-less cakes are made either from Dates, chocolate and fruits. Though most of them are in texture like any other cake the recipe of the cake I am blogging today is slightly wet / moist but is extremely tasty and healthy. Iused to make Banana-Sugar cake but Banana and jaggery was introduced to me by my daughter-in-law who inturn got this wonderful recipe fromPushpa (Anand's wife). Banana and jaggery both are rich in iron and whole wheat as well as banana is rich in vitamins and fibers. Extremely easy to make this cake is delight of all cake lover's especially egg-less cake lovers. My daughter in law made this for my mother and she delightfully cut this cake.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Baking Time: 50 minutes (Approx)
Servings: makes 800 gm cake (Approx)

Ingredients Required For Making Banana-Jaggery:

  • 150 gm. Jaggery
  • 225 gm. Whole wheat flour
  • 225 gm. Banana (Peeled)
  • 1/2Teaspoon Cinnamon powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder (Level)
  • 1 Teaspoon Eating Soda (Level)
  • 150 ml. Olive oil/sunflower oil
  • 100 gm. walnut kernel
  • 100 gm. Cashew
Directions For making Banana-Jaggery Cake:
  • Cut peeled banana to small pieces.
Banana cut to pieces
  • Break the jaggery to small pieces.
  • Mix jaggery and banana in a bowl, cover and keep aside for 10 min. 
Jaggery added to Banana pieces and mixed
After 10 min. Banana and jaggery mixture
  • Mix
    • Flour
    • Baking powder
    • Eating soda
  • Sieve the flour mixture through a fine sieve three to four times to ensure through mixing.
  • The mixture of jaggery and banana will have liquefied in 10 min. Make it to fine paste. 
Paste and jaggery paste
Whole wheat flour and jaggery banana paste
  • Add flour to jaggery banana paste.
Jaggery banana paste added to flour 
  • Add oil and cinnamon powder and mix.
Oil being added to flour banana mixture

Cinnamon powder added to flour jaggery mixture
  • Mix the nuts and sprinkle 10 gm. of whole wheat flour on then and give a shake so as to coat them with flour.
  • Add these nuts to the batter and stir to mix the nuts in batter.
Batter of cake
  • The batter will be thick not pourable like in egg cakes.
Consistency of Batter
  • Put the batter in a butter paper lined baking dish.
Batter in baking dish
  • Bake for 30 min at 150oC temperature.
  • Increase the temperature to 160o C and bake for 10 minutes.
  • Poke with a needle if it comes out clean then switch off the oven. If it comes out sticky with batter then bake for 5-10 minutes at 160o.
Cake after 50 min.  of baking
  • When the batter does not stick to the needle then switch off the oven and remove the cake from oven. Cool on the rake.
Banana-Jaggery Cake Ready to be cut
My Mom  Cutting the Cake
  • Cut the cooled cake to required pieces. If hot cake is cut then pieces will not come out neat. 
Banana-Jaggery Cake

  • Do not add any raisins as they do not taste good in this cake.
  • Do not increase the amount of cinnamon the flavor will become overpowering and unwelcome.
  • Always measure the baking powder and eating soda with standard measuring spoon to get best results.
  • Get jaggery powder from market to ease your work.
  • The baking dish should never be filled more than 3/4th. Else the cake will remain half-baked from the center.
  • Always coat the nuts with flour to ensure they do not settle at the bottom.
  • If you do not want to use butter paper then thinly coat the baking dish with oil then dust flour on it before putting the batter in it.
  • Keep 150 ml of water in the oven while baking below the cake rake to ensure the top exposed surface of cake does not become hard.
Alternate Suggestions:
  • Organic jaggery can be taken rather than normal jaggery.
  • Multigrain flour can be taken in place of whole wheat flour.
  • Almonds can be added along with the nuts.
  • Bananas can be mashed in the peel itself but the mash should be weighed to the given weight in the recipe. 


  1. superb cake .surely gonna try this one .Link in recipes to ongoing event at

    1. Thnx Prerana. Do try the cake and let me know the response of family and friends. Of course your opinion is most valued.

  2. Bananas do have a small amount of iron but it is definitely not rich in the nutrient... A medium sized banana has 0.3 mg of iron, which is less than 1% of what adults and children require as part of their daily intake.

    1. Bananas are certainly rich in nutrients like minerals and vitamins. It has high dietary fiber content.

