
Monday 28 October 2013

Minty-Paneer Tikka/पुदीना - पनीर टिक्का (Mint Flavor Barbecued cottage Cheese)

Minty-Paneer Tikka
Paneer tikka is made in many different ways and each preparation is absolutely delicious. Paneer, Mushrooms, chicken, Fish when marinated and barbecued to make tikka are best. The smoky, minty flavor of hot barbecued Minty-paneer  makes it very special. Simple to make, healthy and completely devoid of oil this paneer tikka is weight watchers delight.

Preparation Time: 45 min.(Including marination time)
Cooking Time: 5 -7 Minutes for each skewer
Servings: 10-12 pieces of Minty- Paneer Tikka

Ingredients required for making Minty-paneer Tikka:
  • 250 gm. Paneer ( Cottage cheese/ Ricotta cheese)
  • 1 Medium size Fresh coriander bunch (Cilantro)
  • 15-20 Fresh Mint sprigs
  • 100 gm. Fresh thick Curd
  • 1 Tea spoon Coriander Powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 Tea spoon Amchur Powder
  • Bell pepper of different colors

Directions For Making Minty- Paneer Tikka:
  • Cut paneer to 4 cm. Cubed.
  • Clean coriander sprigs (Cilantro)of any fellow leaves and hard stem.Wash coriander sprigs in running water.
  • Clean mint of hard stem and discard the hard stem. Wash the leaves and soft portion of mint in running water.
  • Grind mint, coriander and green chilies to thick paste.
Green Paste of Cilantro (Dhaniya patta), Mint, and green chilies
  •  In a bowl take
    • Curd
    • Salt
    • Coriander-mint paste
    • Amchur
Curd, Green paste, Amchur and salt
  • Beat to make uniform paste for marinade.
Thick creamy green marinade for Minty-Paneer Tikka
  • Dip paneer cubes in the marinade and keep in a bowl.
  • Pour remaining marinade on the top of paneer pieces. Cover and keep aside for marinating for minimum 30 minutes.
Paneer cubes Marinated in green Marinade
  •  Remove the stem and seeds from pepperoni and cut bell peppers to 4 cm. cubes.
  • Skewer the marinated paneer piece and bell pepper pieces alternately at a distance of 1-2 cm.
Marinated Paneer and Yellow Pepperoni in skewer
  • Barbecue the paneer on the red hot amber with regular turning of the skewer.
Paneer marinated in green marinade being barbecued
  • Remove the skewer from amber the moment paneer starts getting dark brown edges. It will take 4-5 min. for paneer tikka to be cooked to perfection.
  • Serve hot Hara Paneer tikka with Coriander-mint chutney as an appetizer and with Laccha Paratha and chutney for main meal.
Minty-Paneer Tikka (Barbecued Green paneer Tikka)
  • Make sure curd is thick otherwise the marinade will become too runny.
  • Paneer should be fresh and juicy not brittle and old.
  • If the paneer has been kept in deep fridge then allow it to stand at room temperature till it becomes soft, do not thaw in micro-wave or dip in hot water.
  • Turning of skewer during cooking on hot coal is must to ensure even cooking.
  • One paneer piece can be sandwiched between two pepperoni pieces.
Suggested Variations:
  • Other vegetables like cauliflower, thick round pieces of carrots round tick pieces of brinjal can be marinated along with paneer and skewered with paneer for barbecuing.

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