
Thursday 17 October 2013

How to increase shelf life of Ginger

Ginger is one item which is required in most of Indian kitchen.  In winters its use start from the time we make morning tea to the end of the day cooking that is dinner. In cold climate it is very beneficial because of its medicinal values. 
The problem encountered by a house wife is how to make this quintessential item last long so that money, time and efforts all are saved. My mother used to purchase ginger in bulk when it used to be least expensive and would dig a hole in a shady corner of the garden, put the ginger in it and cover with soil, making sure that spot is never watered. When ginger would be expensive in the market she would remove the required amount and cover the rest again. After 4-5 months ginger would start getting dried and she would soak it in water for 10-15 min before using. She used to say it is ginger chest of mother earth. Now when open space and gardens have become rarity the methods of preserving and storing have also changed. In the absence of garden I devised this method of storing ginger which I want to share hoping it would benefit my readers and followers.

Direction for Preserving Whole Ginger:
  • Wash ginger nicely.
  • Scrape all peeling from washed ginger and remove any spoiled part from it.
  • Wash again the peel ginger to make sure no dirt is adhering to it.
  • Drain all water from peeled and washed ginger.
Washed and peeled Ginger
  • Dry with the help of a cloth.
  • Keep the cloth dried ginger under the sun for 10-15 min to evaporate surface moisture.
Ginger kept for drying under the sun
  • Wrap the peeled, washed and dried ginger in a cloth / Paper.
  •  Keep the ginger wrapped in cloth / paper in a Cloth bag / plastic bag / Zip pouch.
  • Keep the bag with ginger in the fridge.
  • Ginger will not get spoilt for 30-40 days.
Ginger after 30 days in the fridge
  • Dip the peeled, washed and dried ginger in vinegar.
  • Remove after 10-15 minutes and spread it on a clean cloth.
  • When the surface of ginger has dried then wrap it in the cloth and store in a cloth bag/plastic bag / Zip pouch.
  • Keep the bag with ginger in the fridge. Ginger will remain fresh for 4-5 months.
  •  If the bag used if paper or cloths bag it gives the best results also less use of plastic saves environment.
  • If you have dipped ginger in vinegar and want to use it for making tea, then take out the amount you want to use and wash it with water 2-3 times and then soak in water for 2-3 minutes then grate and add to water being boiled for tea.
  • Never add ginger to milk till it has not started to boil no matter how many times you have boiled it earlier, else milk will get spoilt.

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