
Sunday 25 August 2013

Chicken Angara/चिकन अंगारा (Spicy - Barbecued Chicken)

Chicken Angara
As the name suggests Chicken Angara is chicken cooked on Angara (Amber). Piping hot chicken pieces spiced with red chili powder and marinated with curd and cream, served with sour and sweet barbecue sauce and tandoori roti make wonderful combination. Chicken Angara can be taken as appetizers as well as main course or side dish. Oil less, lean healthy can be enjoyed by all those who are watching their weight and also by those who avoid fatty substances and red meat for health reasons.
Preparation Time:30 min.
Cooking Time:5 min per skewer
Servings: 4 Medium size servings
Ingredients Required For Making Chicken Angara:
  • 250 gm. Bone less chicken
  • 100 gm. Thick Curd
Thick fresh curd
  • 1 Tea spoon Garammasala Powder
  • 1 Tea spoon Coriander Powder
  • 1 Tea spoon Garlic Paste
Garlic paste
  • 1 Tea spoon Ginger Paste
Ginger paste
  • 2 Tea spoon Red chili Powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 Tea spoon Cream
  • 3 Tea spoon Lemon Juice
Directions For Making Chicken Angara:
  • Wash the chicken and drain the water nicely.
  • Poke washed and drained chicken with fork.
  • Cut chicken to 4-5 cm. big pieces.
Chicken pieces cleaned for marination
  • Take all chicken pieces in a bowl and add lemon juice to the chicken, mix nicely, cover and keep aside for 15 minutes.
Lemon juice added to washed poked and cut boneless chicken
Chicken in lemon juice
  • In a bowl take 
    • Curd
    • Red chili powder
    • Coriander powder
    • Turmeric powder
    • Ginger paste
    • Garlic paste
    • Salt
Spices added to the thick fresh curd
  • Mix nicely
  • Add cream and beat to mix all ingredients nicely and make smooth, curdy-creamy marinade.
Marinade for Chicken Angara
  • Drain all juice from the chicken and discard the juices.
Chicken pieces after squeezing lemon juice from them
Lemon juice drained from chicken
  • Dip the chicken pieces in marinade and keep in a big bowl.
  • Pour all remaining marinade over the marinade coated chicken pieces. Cover and keep aside for 15 minutes.
Chicken in marinade
  • Skewer the marinated chicken pieces and cook them over red hot amber (Barbecue) with occasional turning the skewer for 4-5 min.
  • The chicken pieces will start becoming black at the edges and yummy smell will start coming from your barbecue pit.
 Chicken Angara (Barbecued chicken) on the skewer
  • Remove the barbecued chicken pieces and serve hot with rings of onion, lemon wedge and red chili sauce / any sauce of your liking/coriander-mint chutney.
Chicken Angara with onion rings and salsa sauce
  • Tandoori roti and Angara chicken are wonderful combination.
  • Skewer the chicken pieces at least 1 cm. apart to make sure chicken gets cooked from all sides.
  • Curd should be fresh and should not be sour.
  • Cut the onion to rings and dip them in ice cold water the onion rings will remain fresh and crisp.
  • Drain the lemon juice completely, if required give a gentle squeeze to the chicken pieces to remove the excess lemon juices.
Suggested Variations:
  • A small piece of grated nutmeg can be added to the curd while making marinade.
  • For those who are watching weight and dieting cream can be avoided while making marinade.
  • Red chili powder can be increased /decreased as per taste but my suggestion increase but do not decrease Angara chicken tastes best when really spicy.


  1. Awesome! I just loved your recipe. these looks delicious! exactly the kind of recipes i was looking for! thanks for the share. getatmosfire is also the best barbecue caterers in Pune.


  2. Nice and well written recipe. Chicken tastes good in any form, You can also try and order chicken pickle achar, and various non veg pickles by SITARA at their online store, The India's biggest online store for pickles
