
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Kesari Halwa/सूजी का हलवा (Dessert Made from Suji / Semolina)

Kesari Halwa
Kesari Halwa is the desert which is extremely tasty and a must during festivals. During childhood halwa used to be the main attraction of attending any puja. Apart from Prasad the meals used to be invariably of puri, aloo / kala chana and halwa. Well it may be argued that the whole meal is full of fat and carbohydrates thus load of calories. But I will say eat healthy throughout the year so that on the day of festival you can enjoy the Halwa puri meal to your heart content.

Preparation Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 30 min.
Servings: 20 Small size servings
Calories:5500 cal.(approximately)
Ingredients Required For Making Suji Ka Halwa:
  • 250 gm. Suji (Semolina)
Suji / Semolina
  • 250 gm. Sugar
  • 250 gm. Ghee (Clarified butter)
Ghee / Clarified Butter
  • 310 ml. Milk
  • 15-20 Almonds
  • 10 Cashew nuts
  • 20-25 Raisins
  • 2 Ripe Bananas
  • 5-6 Strings of Saffron
  • 1/4 Tea spoon Cardamom Powder
  • 3-4 Tea spoons grated dry Coconut.
Grated Dry coconut
Directions for Making Halwa:
  • Soak 5-6 Almonds in water for 2-3 hrs. 
Almonds being soaked in water
  • Cut the remainder almonds to long pieces.
Almonds cut to piece3s
  • Cut Cashew nuts to small pieces.
Cashew cut to pieces
  • Peel and mash the Banana. Cover and keep aside.
Peeled Banana

Mashed Banana
  • Take saffron in a bowl in 10 ml. milk.
  • Take a thick bottom wok and heat on high flame.
  • When hot put semolina to it and lower the flame and roast the suji with continuous stirring till it becomes of golden brown. (Suji should not become dark brown).
Suji being roasted in a thick bottom wok

Suji Roasted to golden brown color and ready for ghee to be added
  • Add ghee to the roasted suji and cook till suji becomes of light brown color (for 2-3 min ) with continuous stirring.
  • Add mashed banana and mix nicely to homogenous mixture.
  • Cook on low flame for 2-3min.  Stir continuously.
Mashed Banana added and being cooked on low flame
  • Add sugar, mix and cook on low flame for 1-2 min.
Sugar added to the mix of Ghee, suji and mashed banana

Cooked to brown color suji mixture ready for milk and saffron
  • Add milk and mix nicely. Bring the flame on high and let the milk boil. keep stirring continuously.
Milk added to the suji mixture
Milk boiling so now add saffron and cover and cook
  •  When the milk starts boiling lower the flame, add half of saffron and milk mixture, cover and allow it to cook on low flame.
The Halwa mixture covered and being cooked on low flame
  • Remove the cover and gather the halwa from the edges and bottom. (If you find that the halwa is dry add 100 ml. milk / water, mix, cover and cook for 5min.)

Saffron colored Halwa ready for dry fruits to be added
Halwa gathered from edges and bottom
  • Add all cut nuts and raisins and mix cook for 1 min. stirring continuously.
Nuts and raisins added to halwa

Nuts and raisins mixed and halwa ready
  • Switch off the gas. Add cardamom powder and mix.
  • Remove the brown cover of Almonds and break them to two halves.
Soaked Almonds split to halves for decoration
  • Remove Halwa in a serving bowl and decorate it with the almonds, raisins, remaining milk saffron mixture.
  • Beautiful looking and absolutely yummy halwa is ready.
Kesari Halwa
  • While roasting make sure that the suji becomes just golden brown.
  • Suji can be roasted in large amounts and be stored, this enhances the shelf life of suji and while making halwa or upama comes handy.
  • Wok should be thick bottom else suji gets burnt while roasting and halwa sticks to the bottom of the container while getting cooked.
  • Always cook on low flame.
Suggested Variations:
  • If you want then you may reduce the ghee content, but the texture of halwa will not be as smooth.
  • Milk can be replaced with water.
  • Black currant, Pistachio can be added to halwa.Pistachios should be cut and then added.
Pistachio cut to pieces


  1. It looks quite easy to make and very... Sweet and tasty! Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    1. Dear Zim indeed this desert is easy to make and delicious. You may also like to try my other Indian deserts

      Since Kesari Halwa goes really well with Puri and Kala chana / Aloo gutuk,so give it a try.
      Have a nice day. Greetings from Pune ,India
