
Monday 28 November 2011

मीठी पूरी Meethi Puri ( Sweet Fried Indian Bread)

Soft, Crisp Meethi Puri
These puris serve as main dish as well as sweet dish. They are especially liked by children and of course by grownups with sweet tooth. I love them as I crave for sweet  every time and can eat them any time of the day. My son and daughter used to spread chocolate sauce on them and eat with relish. You can spread any fruit sauce (eg. Strawberry) jam or butter on them and give to your kids and see how their smile broadens with each bite. My mom used to make these puris for Prasad on every festival and we brother sisters could hardly wait for puja to finish. The taste lingers till now!!!

Preparation Time:  15 min.
Cooking time: 15 – 20 min.
Servings: 15 - 20 puris.

Ingredients Required For Making Meethi Puri
  • 250gm.  Whole Wheat Flour.
    Whole wheat flour
  • 50gm. of  Sugar / Jaggery
  • 150ml. Water.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon Cardamom powder.
  • 5 – 10 ml. Ghee / Cooking oil to make the dough.
  • 200ml. Ghee / cooking oil for frying.
Directions To Prepare The Dough
  • Take 150ml. of water in a thick bottom pan and add jaggery / sugar in it and heat on low flame with constant stirring.
  • When all jaggery / sugar dissolves heat for 2min. and remove from heat.
  • Keep aside the jaggery / sugar syrup for cooling.
  • Take whole wheat flour in a bowl, make a hole in the center and add 10 ml. melted ghee / oil and mix it.
Hole made at the center of flour and Ghee added
Ghee being mixed to wheat flour
  • Add 5 ml. melted ghee / oil more and mix till the mixture looks like bread crumbs. (The oil requirement may vary with different brands oil flour.)
Flour and ghee mixture before sugar syrup is added
  • Add cold jaggery / sugar syrup little at a time and knead to a firm, soft dough.
Sugar syrup added and being mixed
  • Dough is read to be rolled.
Dough for Meethi Puri
Directions To Make Meethi Puri:
  • Take 200ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat on high flame till smoking hot.
  • Lower the flame.
  • Make 15 - 20 balls from the dough.
  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin and place one ball at the center of the rolling board.
  • Roll the dough ball to a round puri of 3-4cm. diameter and 2mm. thickness.
Rolled Meethi Puri
  • Put it in the hot oil.
Meethi puri being fried
  • Lower the flame and fry on both sides to golden brown.
    Meethi Puri fried to golden brown color
Meethi Puri ready to be eaten
  • Hot sweet puris are ready to be devoured hot or cold as you wish.
Hot crysp Meethi Puri
These puris can be stored in cold place in a airtight container for a week also.  I personally love to eat them with hot spicy dry potato preparation. You can try different combinations and decide which you like best.

  • Make sure the jaggery / sugar syrup is cold before adding to the flour while making the dough.
  • If excess of oil is added the puris will break in oil while frying. So to start add only 5 – 6 ml. of oil while making the dough. Add more if you feel so, next time you make it.
  • Oil should be very hot when you put rolled puri in it.
  • Lower the flame if the oil gets too hot.
  • The fried puris should not look dark brown but golden brown.
Suggested Variations:
  • Sugar / jaggery can be dissolved in luke warm water or milk and the solution of milk / water and sugar / jaggery be taken for kneading the flour. 
  • Multi grain flour can be taken instead of whole wheat flour.
  • 2:1:1 Ratio of suji,Maida and whole wheat flour can be taken instead of whole wheat flour. 

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