
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Daal ki puri( Puris made of Pulses and Flour mixture)

When a lady has to run a house hold she tries to make use of all left over of meals, so I was not an exception. From this habit of mine this mouthwatering recipe of these puris took birth. Since these puris have wheat flour and pulses so they become a complete food by themselves. The taste of these puris is so yummy that till the day my daughter and daughter in-law  wanted to make them in their home they  never suspected I put daal in its dough, and it is not the belated complaints I get but the beaming smiles, which makes me very happy.

Preparation Time: 20min.
Cooking Time: 15 – 20 min.
Servings: The given proportion will make 15 – 20 puris.

Ingredients Required To Make Daal Puris
  • 250gm. Whole Wheat Flour
  • 25gm. Moong Daal
  • 25gm. Urad Daal
  • 25 gm. Chana Daal
  • 1 Tea spoon finely cut coriander leaves.
  • 1 Tea spoon Salt.
  • 1 Tea spoon Red chili powder.
  • 10ml. cooking oil for making the dough.
  • Water to make the dough.
  • 200ml. cooking oil for frying.
Directions To Make The Dough
  • Mix Urad daal, Chana daal, Moong daal and wash them.
  • Put them in a pressure cooker, along with 100ml. water and put the lid of pressure cooker.
  • Keep the pressure cooker on high flame till pressure is built in cooker.
  • Lower the flame and cook for 10 min.
  • Allow the cooker to cool.
  • Take out he cooked daal mixture and mash the daal to a thick paste.(you can do it in a mixer also).
  • Take wheat flour in a bowl add oil, salt, red chili powder and mix.
  • Add the paste of cooked daal in small proportions and knead.
  • The dough should firm and soft.
Directions To Make Daal Puris
  • Make 15 – 20 balls from the dough.
  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.
  • Take 200ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat on high flame till smoking hot.
  • Lower the flame.
  • Place the ball in the center of rolling board and roll to 5 – 6 cm. diameter round. ( these rolled puris should be slightly thicker than regular puris).
  • Put the rolled puri in the hot oil from the side of wok and fry from both sides by turning once or twice.
  • The fried puri should be golden brown in color.
  • Repeat the same with all the dough balls.
Hot, soft, tasty, and nourishing puris are ready. These puris can be served with sweet / spicy pickle, any vegetable or curd or tangy chutney!

  • Any leftover daal from the meals can be used to make the dough of daal puri.
  • Those who are not adept at rolling can roll the puris first and keep them separated on a greased plate or on a clean newspaper and then heat oil and fry those rolled puris at one go but one by one.
  • While putting the rolled puri in the oil always put from the edge of wok otherwise hot oil may spill causing burns.

Missi Puri ( Puri made of different flour mixtures)

These puris are quite popular in Maharashtra (India). They can be served as evening snacks or as main dish accompanied with vegetables or chicken / mutton. It was in the home of my good friend Mrs. Deshmukh where I ate them for the first time. After learning how to make them, I made them at home, and my family started loving Mrs. Deshmukh more for teaching me Missi puri. Since the puris have different cereals in them they make complete food with any type of accompaniment. My husband loves them with thick curd seasoned with little salt and finely cut green chili.

Preparation Time: 10min.
Cooking Time: 15 min.
Servings: The below given material will make 15 puris.

Ingredients Required
  • 50gm. Whole Wheat Flour
  • 25gm. Semolina (Suji).
  • 25gm. Rice Flour.
  • 25gm. Black Gram flour.(Besan).
  • 25gm. Millet Flour (Bajara Atta.)
  • 25gm. Jowar Flour
  • 1/2 Tea spoon Salt.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon Red chili powder.
  • 10 ml. Cooking Oil for making dough.
  • 100ml. Water for making dough.
  • 200ml. Cooking oil for frying.
Directions To Make The Dough
  • In a bowl take wheat flour, suji, rice flour, besan, bajara atta, jowar atta, salt, red chili powder and mix thoroughly.
  • Add 10ml. of cooking oil in little proportions with continuous mixing.
  • Mix the mixture by rubbing between your palms.
  • The mixture should resemble bread crumbs.
  • Add water in small proportions and knead. 
  • The dough should be firm but soft.
  • Keep the dough aside for 5 – 10 min.
Directions To Make Missi Purees
  • Take 200ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat it on high flame.
  • Lower the flame to minimum when the oil is smoking hot.
  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.
  • Make 15 rounds balls from the dough.
  • Keep one ball of dough in the center of rolling board and roll it to 6 -8 cm. diameter round.
  • Put it gently in the hot oil from the edge of wok and fry on both sides to golden brown color.
  • Repeat the same with all the balls of dough.
Hot crisp Missi purees are ready. These purees can be kept in air tight containers for a day or two. My personal favorite is the combination of Missi puri with hot and spicy mutton.

  • Always add water in little proportions because excess of water will make any type of puri’s dough suitable to make chapatti not puri.
  • Puri dough should always be firm but soft.
  • You can use your own imagination and add some Methi, Palak, finely cut coriander leaves for variation in Missi puri.
  • While frying puri make sure the rolled puri is placed from the edge of wok else hot oil will spill causing burns.

Monday 28 November 2011

मीठी पूरी Meethi Puri ( Sweet Fried Indian Bread)

Soft, Crisp Meethi Puri
These puris serve as main dish as well as sweet dish. They are especially liked by children and of course by grownups with sweet tooth. I love them as I crave for sweet  every time and can eat them any time of the day. My son and daughter used to spread chocolate sauce on them and eat with relish. You can spread any fruit sauce (eg. Strawberry) jam or butter on them and give to your kids and see how their smile broadens with each bite. My mom used to make these puris for Prasad on every festival and we brother sisters could hardly wait for puja to finish. The taste lingers till now!!!

Preparation Time:  15 min.
Cooking time: 15 – 20 min.
Servings: 15 - 20 puris.

Ingredients Required For Making Meethi Puri
  • 250gm.  Whole Wheat Flour.
    Whole wheat flour
  • 50gm. of  Sugar / Jaggery
  • 150ml. Water.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon Cardamom powder.
  • 5 – 10 ml. Ghee / Cooking oil to make the dough.
  • 200ml. Ghee / cooking oil for frying.
Directions To Prepare The Dough
  • Take 150ml. of water in a thick bottom pan and add jaggery / sugar in it and heat on low flame with constant stirring.
  • When all jaggery / sugar dissolves heat for 2min. and remove from heat.
  • Keep aside the jaggery / sugar syrup for cooling.
  • Take whole wheat flour in a bowl, make a hole in the center and add 10 ml. melted ghee / oil and mix it.
Hole made at the center of flour and Ghee added
Ghee being mixed to wheat flour
  • Add 5 ml. melted ghee / oil more and mix till the mixture looks like bread crumbs. (The oil requirement may vary with different brands oil flour.)
Flour and ghee mixture before sugar syrup is added
  • Add cold jaggery / sugar syrup little at a time and knead to a firm, soft dough.
Sugar syrup added and being mixed
  • Dough is read to be rolled.
Dough for Meethi Puri
Directions To Make Meethi Puri:
  • Take 200ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat on high flame till smoking hot.
  • Lower the flame.
  • Make 15 - 20 balls from the dough.
  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin and place one ball at the center of the rolling board.
  • Roll the dough ball to a round puri of 3-4cm. diameter and 2mm. thickness.
Rolled Meethi Puri
  • Put it in the hot oil.
Meethi puri being fried
  • Lower the flame and fry on both sides to golden brown.
    Meethi Puri fried to golden brown color
Meethi Puri ready to be eaten
  • Hot sweet puris are ready to be devoured hot or cold as you wish.
Hot crysp Meethi Puri
These puris can be stored in cold place in a airtight container for a week also.  I personally love to eat them with hot spicy dry potato preparation. You can try different combinations and decide which you like best.

  • Make sure the jaggery / sugar syrup is cold before adding to the flour while making the dough.
  • If excess of oil is added the puris will break in oil while frying. So to start add only 5 – 6 ml. of oil while making the dough. Add more if you feel so, next time you make it.
  • Oil should be very hot when you put rolled puri in it.
  • Lower the flame if the oil gets too hot.
  • The fried puris should not look dark brown but golden brown.
Suggested Variations:
  • Sugar / jaggery can be dissolved in luke warm water or milk and the solution of milk / water and sugar / jaggery be taken for kneading the flour. 
  • Multi grain flour can be taken instead of whole wheat flour.
  • 2:1:1 Ratio of suji,Maida and whole wheat flour can be taken instead of whole wheat flour. 

Thursday 24 November 2011

Tirangi Poori ( Deep fried Tri color Indian Bread)

Tirangi Puri
The color used in making the puris are not artificial but of vegetables!!! They look so attractive that by the time you have made them they will vanish into the stomach of your family!! They are also excellent to make for picnic basket / taking for traveling /lunch box of the children. So surprise your husband and children by keeping tricolor puri in their lunch box. Beware you will find jealous faces of ladies staring at you when you get the appreciation from their husband for the variation of food you pack for your family !!!

Preparation Time: 20 - 25 min.
Cooking Time: 15 – 20 min.
Servings: 20 – 25 Puri
Ingredients  Required  To Make Tirangi Puris:
  • 250 gm. Whole Wheat Flour
  • 100 gm. Spinach
  • 25 gm ( one medium size ) red tomato
  • 1/2  Tea spoon salt
  • 5 – 10 ml. cooking oil to make dough
  • 200 ml. cooking oil to fry
  • Water to make dough.
Directions To Make Dough :
  • Remove the stalks from spinach and wash the leaves.
  • Boil 100 ml. water and put the spinach leaves in it for 2min. remove and immediately put in cold water.
  • Grind the leaves with as little water as possible to a fine paste. Keep the paste aside.
  • Wash and cut tomato to 1cm. pieces.
  • Put the tomato pieces in grinder and make fine thick paste. Keep the paste aside.
  • Take whole wheat flour in a bowl and add salt to it.
  • Mix the salt and flour mixture nicely.
  • Add 5ml. of oil and mix with your fingers.
  • If required add rest of the oil and mix.
  • The mixture should resemble bread crumbs. (The requirement of oil changes with different brands of wheat flour.)
  • Divide the flour, oil salt mixture into 3 equal parts.
  • To one part add the spinach paste in little proportions and knead to soft but firm dough, if required add water while making the dough.
Dough with Palak(Spinach) pulp

  • To second part add the paste of tomato  in little proportions and knead to firm but soft dough.
Dough with Tomato Pulp
  • If required add water while making the dough.
  • To the third part add water in little proportions and knead to make soft but firm dough.
Plain dough

  • Take all three (Green, Red, White) dough keep them one over the other and roll to a single long roll with soft hands.
Rolls of Plain dough, Dough with Tomato pulp, and dough with pulp of palak stacked to be rolled together
  • The roll of dough will look tri colored.
Roll of tricolor dough
Directions To Make Tricolor Puris :
  • Take 200ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat it on high flame.
  • When smoking hot lower the flame.
  • Cut the tricolor dough roll into 20 – 25 pieces and make balls of them.
Tri color dough roll ready for cutting to pieces for making balls

Roll cut to pieces for being made to balls
Ball from tricolor dough

  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.
  • Place the ball of dough in the center and roll to a round of 6 – 8 cm.
Ball of tricolor dough(plain, with tomato pulp, and with palak)

Ball of Tricolor dough (plain, with tomato pulp, and palak) rolled for frying
  • Put it in the hot oil and fry on both sides by turning once or twice.
Tirangi Puri being fried

Tirangi Puri being fried
Tirangi Puri with Palak, Tomato and plain dough

  • Repeat with all ball of tri color dough. 
Tirangi Puri
  Tirangi Puris  are ready. These puris are very tasty and nourishing as they are having different vegetables in it. Tirangi puris go well with any vegetable / nonveg . Or simply serve them with chutney / pickle if you do not have time or energy to make vegetables to accompany them , nobody will complain. 

  • Roll the dough while making the tricolor roll with gentle hands so as they retain their identity in the single tricolor roll.
  • For those who are not adept in rolling the puris , first roll them one by one and keep separated on a greased plate  / clean newspaper, then heat the oil and fry them .
Suggested  Variations:
  • Beet root can be taken instead of tomatoes.
  • Mixture of pulp of boiled beet root and raw tomato also can be used instead of pure tomato or pure beet root pulp.
  • If you take beet root then wash it and boil it before making to pulp.
  • Methi leaves can be taken int he place of palak but do not make paste of methi leaves, if you will make paste of methi leaves then it will leave bitterish taste in puri. 

Tomato Puri /टमाटर की पूरी ( Fried, Puffed whole wheat Indian bread with tomato)

Tomato Puri
Puri made with dough having tomatoes look orange in color and have classic taste. Some times when tomatoes become over ripe they can be used to make tomato puri. Once we had gone for picnic to Panshet dam, Pune, Maharashtra, India with our friends. We had shared to make different dishes. I had to make puri and raita. I was really bored to make the same plain puris again so I invented tomato puris!!!! All were taken by surprise that the orange color was not artificial, but of tomato, and when they ate them well I kept on getting request to share the recipe. Need not say the puris became a hit :)

Preparation Time: 15min.
Cooking Time: 15min.
Servings: The following ingredients will make 20-25 puris.

Ingredients Required To Make Tomato Puri 
  • 250gm. Whole Wheat Flour.
  • 100 – 150 gm. Red Tomatoes.
  • 1/2 Tea spoon Salt.
  • 5 -10 ml. Cooking oil to make the dough.
  • 200ml. Cooking Oil to fry.
Directions To Make Dough 
  • Wash and cut the tomatoes to 2 – 3cm. pieces.
  • Put the tomato pieces in the grinder container and grind to fine paste.
  • Take Wheat flour in a bowl and add salt to it.
  • Mix the salt  and flour mixture nicely.
  • Add 5ml. of oil and mix with your fingers.
  • If required add more oil. (The requirement of oil changes with different brands of wheat flour.)
  • Mix thoroughly. The mixture should look like bread crumbs.
  • Add tomato paste in little proportions and knead.
  • The dough should be firm but soft.
  • If the dough is hard then you can add little water.
Dough for Tomato Puri
Directions To make Tomato  Puris 
  • Take 200 ml. cooking oil in a wok and heat it on high flame till smoking hot.
  • Lower the flame.
  • Make small balls of the dough.

Balls Of dough for Tomato Puri
  • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.The above mixture will be enough to make 20 – 25 balls.
  • Place one ball in the center of rolling board and roll with rolling pin to 6 – 8 cm. diameter round.
Rolled puri from the ball of the dough
    • Put the rolled puri in the hot oil and fry  from both sides till golden orange.
    Tomato puri being fried on one side
      Puffed Tomato Puri fried on both sides
      • Repeat the same with all the dough balls.

        Tomato Puri
        • Puris are ready to be served and eaten. 
                  Serve these puri with alloo mutter ki sukhi sabji (Dry and spicy preparation of potatoes and peas), Aloo dum,

            or Gul-Gula Kofta.

          Or with any vegetable of your choice. I love eating them all by themselves to get full taste of tomato in puri !!

          Tips :
          • Do not add too much of oil, excess of oil will make the puris very oily, less oil will do no harm !
          • Do not fry puri in either too hot oil which will make them brown and spoil the taste of tomato.
          • Do not fry the puris in less hot oil, the puris will not puff and soak too much oil.( Make them once and you will learn to control the temperature)
          • For those who are not adept at rolling make roll the puris and keep them on a greased plate separated  from one another  / on a clean newspaper, the heat the oil and start frying them.
          Suggested Variations:
          • To the wheat flour 1/3eamount of the wheat flour, refined flour (maida) can be added (Wheat flour:refined Flour =3:1)
          • Besan can also be added in the same proportion (1:3) to change the texture and taste.

          Friday 18 November 2011

          Palak Puri/पालक की पूरी (Puffed Fried Indian Bread With Spinach)

          Palak Puri
          Palak Puri of dough with palak paste
          Puris with Palak (Spinach), not only give them colorful appearance, but also give them taste and nourishment Vegetable puris are a nice way to develop taste of vegetables in kids. Keep methi puri
          palak puri in the lunch box of children with pickles and they would love you. Make them when you have guests for lunch or dinner with colorful gravies guests will be amazed at your variation in cooking.

          Preparation Time: 10min.
          Cooking Time: 20min.
          Servings: 20 - 25 Puri can be made from the material given below.

          Ingredients Required To make Palak Puri
          • 250gm. Whole Wheat Flour.
          • 50gm. (one small bunch) Palak leaves.
          • 1/2 Teaspoon salt.
          • 10-15 ml. cooking oil.
          • 100-150ml. Water to make dough.
          • 200 ml. Cooking oil for frying.
          Directions To Make Dough
          • Clean Palak( spinach) leaves.
          • Wash the Palak leaves and drain them.
          • Cut the palak leaves finely.
          • Take wheat flour in a bowl and add 5 ml. of oil and finely cut palak leaves and salt to it.
          • Mix with your fingers.
          • Add another 10 ml. of oil and mix nicely.
          • The flour oil mixture should resemble bread crumbs.
          • The requirement of oil changes with the quality of wheat flour.
          • So if required then only add rest of the oil.
          • Do not add too much oil; otherwise the puris will become too oily.
          • Add water in little amounts and mix and knead.
          Dough for Palak puri
          • The dough should be soft but firm.
          Directions To Make Puri
          • Put 200ml. oil in a wok and keep the wok on gas, with the gas on high flame.
          • Make small balls from the dough.
          Ball of dough for Palak puri
          • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.
          • Keep the ball of dough in the center of rolling board and roll it to 8-10 cm. diameter round puri.
          Rolled Palak puri
          • When the oil is smoking hot reduce the flame.
          • To the hot oil put the rolled puri from the side of the wok.
          Palak puri being fried
          • Fry it from both sides to golden color by turning it once or twice.
          Palak puri fried to golden brown color on both sides
          Palak puri is ready to be served. :)
          Palak Puri
          Enjoy the palak puri with chole

          vegetables or pickles

          • Take only leaves of palak, leave the stems altogether.
          • Add water in little amounts while making dough as requirement of water changes with different type of wheat flour.
          • More you knead the dough softer it will become and puri will come out better.
          • If you like you can add 1/2 spoon of red chili powder to make them spicy.
          • Take care while putting rolled puri for frying, it should be put slowly from side otherwise hot oil may spill causing burns.
          • For those who are not too adept at rolling, you can roll few puris and keep them separated on an oiled plate and then start frying them one by one.
          • The oil should be very hot while frying otherwise puri will not puff.
          • Maintain the temperature of oil by reducing/ increasing the flame.
          • Palak puris  can be kept in a closed container for a day or two and eaten by warming in microwave or on flat iron plate(Tawa) over gas.
          Suggested Variations:

          • Dough for the puri can be made by adding paste of palak made by boiling palak leaves for a min. or so and grinding them to paste with little water, instead of finely cut palak.
          Palak paste
          Dough for Palak Puri with palak paste
          • Some green chilies / coriander sprigs can be added to palak while making paste.It will make puri greener and chatpati.
          Palak Puri of dough with Palak paste

          Methi Puri(Puffed Fried Bread With Methi)

          Methi Puri
          Puris with methi not only give them colorful appearance but also make them tasty. These puris can be eaten with vegetables, chole, or simply with curd / pickle as they have the wonderful taste and flavor of methi leaves. I used to find them very easy to make for my children’s lunch box. They did not like to take vegetable daily, so vegetable puri, parathas, used to be the best option to keep them happy. These puris add a color to your laid table in any party.

          Preparation Time: 10min.
          Cooking Time: 20min.
          Servings: 20 - 25 Puri can be made from the ingredients given below.

          Ingredients Required To make Methi  Puri:
          • 250gm. Whole Wheat Flour.
          • 50gm. (one small bunch) Methi leaves.
          • 1/2 Teaspoon salt.
          • 10-15 ml. cooking oil.
          • 100-150ml. Water to make dough.
          • 200 ml. Cooking oil for frying.
          Directions To Make Dough:
          • Clean methi leaves.
          • Wash the methi leaves and drain them.
          • Cut the methi leaves finely.
          • Take wheat flour in a bowl and add 5 ml. of oil and finely cut methi leaves and salt to it.
          • Mix with your fingers.
          • Add another 10 ml. of oil and mix nicely.
          • The flour oil mixture should resemble bread crumbs.
          • The requirement of oil changes with the quality of wheat flour.
          • So if required then only add rest of the oil.
          • Do not add too much oil otherwise the puris will become too oily.
          • Add water in little amounts and mix and knead.
          • The dough should be soft but firm.
          Dough of methi Puri

          Directions To Make Puri
          • Put 200ml. oil in a wok and keep the wok on gas, with the gas on high flame.
          • Make small balls from the dough.
          Ball of dough for rolling the puri
          • Oil the rolling board and rolling pin with few drops of oil.
          • Keep the ball of dough in the center of rolling board and roll it to 8-10 cm. diameter round puri.
          Rolled Puri
          • When the oil is smoking hot reduce the flame.
          Methi Puri being fried on one side
          • To the hot oil put the rolled puri from the side of the wok.
          • Fry it from both sides to golden color by turning it once or twice.
          Methi Puri being fried on the other side
          Methi puri is ready to be served.
          Methi Puri
          • Take only leaves of methi.
          • Add water in little amounts while making dough as requirement of water changes with different type of wheat flour.
          • More you knead the dough softer it will become and puri will come out better.
          • If you like you can add 1/2 spoon of red chilly powder to make them spicy.
          • Take care while putting rolled puri for frying, it should be put slowly from side otherwise hot oil may spill causing burns.
          • For those who are not too adept at rolling, you can roll few puris and keep them separated on an oiled plate and then start frying them one by one.
          • The oil should be very hot while frying otherwise puri will not puff.
           Suggested Variations: 
          • If fresh Methi is not available Kasoori methi can be taken to make the dough.