
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Gulab Jamun/गुलाब जामुन

Delicious and Soft Gulab-Jamun
 Gulab jamun may be extremely high in calory but nothing compared to dark brown juicy Gulab Jamun. Be it Days of my children Holi or deepawali Like a king gulab jamun would make it appearance on the table because it is favorite of my children. They simply refuse to eat it if i bring from market. It has to be made by me with fresh Khawa only. So go ahead and pamper and spoil once in a while your kids and family members

Preparation Time:40min. ( approximately)
Cooking Time:60mni.
Servings: Makes 30 medium size Gulab Jamun.

Ingredients required
  • 500gm. (3 Tea Cups) Khawa  (milk thickened to solid state)]
  • 150gm.(1 Cup )Maida (refined flour) ]
  • 500 gm.Sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon Cardamom seeds crushed 
  • 4 Cups Water 
  •  Ghee / Cooking oil for frying
Directions to prepare Gulab Jamun
  • Take 500-600 ml.of water in a thick bottom pan. 
  • Add 500gm. of sugar to it and heat on high flame with continuous stirring.
  • When the mixture starts boiling then reduce the flame to minimum and let it boil till it becomes of syrupy thickness (the quantity of water should reduce to half). 
  • Add 1/4 tea spoon of crushed cardamom to the above mixture, switch off the gas, cover and allow to cool.
  • Take khawa and maida in a pan. 
  • Mix them thoroughly and knead.
  • Add 2 tea spoon thick curd and knead to fine smooth dough.
  • The dough should be soft and uniform. Continuously mashing and kneading for 15 min. will yield a soft and uniform dough.
  • Mix 2 Tea spoons of sugar and 1/2 Tea spoon of cardamom.and keep aside for filling.
  • Make small round balls of the dough (roughly 30-40 balls ).
  • Press the ball of dough from center to make a depression and fill pinch of sugar and cardamom mixture in it. 
  • Press the ends nicely to seal the ball with the mixture inside the ball firmly.
  • Roll the ball into a round shape with gentle hands, make sure no air is trapped inside the ball.
Khawa maida dough for Gulab jamun and The balls of the Dough
  • Heat Ghee / oil in a thick bottom wok and when ghee / oil is smoking hot lower the flame.
  • Put 4-5 balls one by one and fry them on low flame with continuous swirling motion of spatula till they are of dark brown color.
Khawa Balls Being Fried In hot Ghee on Low Flame

Fried Khawa Balls Ready to be Pricked and soaked in Sugar Syrup
  • Take them out from wok and prick with toothpick and put into sugar syrup, give a swirling stir to the sugar syrup time to time with a gentle hand.
Fried Balls being pricked with tooth pick before soaking in sugar Syrup
Fried Khawa balls soaking in Sugar Syrup
  • The balls will absorb sugar syrup and become larger in size and soft with in 30 min.
    Soft Yummy Mouth watering Gulab Jamun
  • Take them out on a plate and sprinkle some coconut powder.Gulab jamun are ready to eat.
 Serve Gulab Jamun hot or cold as per liking. :)
  • The Khawa should be fresh and firm.
  • Curd should be thick with out any watery liquid in it. 
  • Press the balls of Khawa with soft hands and make sure air is not trapped in it.
  • Sugar syrup should be hot when you add fried khawa balls in it.
Suggested Variation: 
  • You can make them round or can give an oblong shape as per your liking.
  • In the filling cardamom can be replaced by nutmeg powder.
  • Kesar (Saffron) can be added to the sugar syrup once it is removed from gas.

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