
Friday 11 August 2017

Beetroot Cutlets

Beetroot Cutlets Without Sesame Seeds Coating

Cutlets served with Tomato Ketchup
Beetroot is not only nutritious alongwith being tasty, but it is also a very good root vegetable helpful for controlling weight. It is rich dietary fibers, Vitamins, minerals and low on calories. This red tuber can be made to savory, salads, sliced and put in sandwiches, burgers. I love cutlets of beetroot. They can be had as snacks with tomato ketchup or green chutney; they can be placed between slices of bread with chutney, ketchup or humus to make a delicious, healthy nutritious sandwich.

Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Servings: makes 6-8 Medium size cutlets

Nutritional Value: (Approx.)
  • Calories: 550
  • Fat: 11gm
  • Carb: 100gm
  • Sugars: 25gm
  • Protein: 10gm
  • Calcium: 100gm
  • Dietary fibers: 19gm
  • Sodium: 1200mg
  • Potassium: 2010mg
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, and calcium
Ingredients Required For Making Beetroot Cutlets:
  • Beetroot: 2 medium size or 250 gm
  • Potatoes: 2 Medium size or 100 gm
  • Ginger: 1inch piece (Optional)
  • Garlic: 4-5 cloves (Optional)
  • Ginger Powder: 1 Teaspoon
  • Green chilies: 1 or according to taste
  • Green coriander leafs: 3-4 sprigs
  • White Sesame seeds: 2-3 table spoon
Ingredients For Cutlets
  • Olive oil/cooking oil: 1 Teaspoon is using nonstick pan else more
  • Salt to taste
Directions for Making Beetroot cutlets:
  • Peel and grate beetroots. Keep aside.
  • Peel potatoes and grate them, Keep aside.
  • Heat a pan (no oil required) and put grated beetroot in it. Cook on medium heat with stirring till most of the moisture evaporated and the grated beetroot become soft. Do not cover while dry cooking. It will be done in 8-10 minutes.
Raw grated Beetroot being cooked to rteduce the juice
Ready to make cutlets mixture
  • Roast sesame seeds on low flame till they gain light brown color.
  • Chop coriander leaves finely.
  • Chop green chilies finely.
  • Grate or chop ginger as per your liking.
  • Take the grated potatoes and beetroot in a bowl and mix 
    • Salt
    • Ginger 
    • Chopped ginger
    • Green chilies
    • Dry ginger powder
    • Garlic (Optional)
    • Corianders leaf and mix well.
  • Mixture of cutlets
  • Make 6-8 balls from the mixture.
  • Flatten the balls between your palms to give the shape.
  • Coat each raw cutlets with roasted sesame seeds. (Optional)
Ready to be cooked (Without Seesame seeds)
Rounds of cutlets coated with White Sesame seeds
    • Take a non-stick pan and heat on high flame.
    • Sprinkle few drops of olive oil on the pan once it is hot.
    • Bring the heat to medium and place the raw cutlets on the hot pan with oil.
    • Cook on medium flame for two minutes and then flip them carefully. Making sure they do not break.
    Cutlets Being Cooked in Spoonfull of Oil
    Cooked on one side
    Cutlets ready for serving
    Cutlets Ready To be Served
    • Cook the other side also for two minutes. By now both side of cutlets should be brownish.
    • The cutlets will be on soft. Do not cover them once they are done.
    • Take then on a plate serve them hot with chutney/ketchup or if you want to store let them cool without covering before storing.
    Beetroot Cutlets (Without sesame seeds) With Raw Mango Chutney
    Cutlets With Coriander-Mint Chutney

    MY favorite breakfast is grilled sandwich (Call it a taco) made by palcing these cutlets between two folds of chapati, grilling it and pairing it with homemade humus or coriander-mint chutney.

    • Do not overcook beetroot and potatoes else the cutlets mixture will become too wet and gooey, resulting not so firm cutlets.
    • Dry ginger gives good flavor and absorbs moisture thus is essential to be added.
    • Red chilies powder spoils the flavor so avoid it.
    • All chopped ingredients should be chopped finely , big pieces of chilies, garlic are very unsavory in soft cutlets.
    • Adjust the flame according to your cooking equipment, that is pan and gas stove/hot plate.
    Suggested Variations:
    • I am a big fan of garlic and ginger thus I have added chopped ginger also, if you wish you can avoid chopped ginger.
    • The cutlets after being coated with roasted sesame seeds can be coated in egg white, then with all purpose flour and deep fried.
    • To a cup of all-purpose flour add salt and make batter using soda. The batter should be thick but of flowing consistency. Dip each sesame coated raw cutlets and deep fry them. I prefer my cutlets pan fried with as little oil as possible, this is simply to keep them on healthier side.
    • Butter can replace olive oil. It certainly adds a wonderful flavor to the cutlets.

    Saturday 5 August 2017

    Tips for Parents with Small Children

       Often young mothers are heard complaining that the little ones do not like eating vegetables. 

    Well first of all cook all type of vegetables at home even if you do not have a taste for them, and eat along with the children. As they say good habits are inculcated right in the childhood. 

    Apart from this there are few tips which may be helpful.
    • If your child has a dislike for Spinach/ Methi /Carrot then :-
      • Grate the carrot/ Cut the washed spinach/ methi
      • Add to whole wheat flour.
    Carrot, flour,ajwain (caraway seeds) and salt for dough
      • Add salt to taste, and 1 tea spoon of caraway seeds.(ajwain).
      • Make dough from it.
      • Make parathas out of the dough 
    Dough for paratha
      • Serve hot with tangy / sweet pickle / chutney/ sauce.
    Palak paratha and carrot paratha
      • Keep it in the lunch box with pickle or chutney
      They will love the colorful parathas and also develop the taste of the vegetable.
          • Bottle guard (Lauki) is one vegetable very few children like.
          • You are lucky if your children like its vegetable!
          • But in summers bottle gourd provides with much needed nutrition and its juice is very cooling to our system. 
          • So what to do?
          • Simply take a soft Lauki wash it.
          •  Grate the required amount, add 
          • ajwain (caraway seeds ), salt, chopped coriander leaves, and besan and make loose dough.
          • Make small balls.
          • Fry these balls and let children enjoy them as snacks with chutney / sauce.
          • You can make gravy of your liking and dunk the fried balls to the gravy and presto! Nice vegetable is ready:)

          Do not squeeze water from lauki as it is cooling in summers. It will get absorbed in besan.
            • Make milk shake from Lauki.
            • Pista Shake Using Tender Lauki(Bottle Gourd):
            • Take a very tender Lauki do not peel.
            • Wash it and grate it.
            • Boil the grated Lauki with little milk till cooked.
            • Cool and grind it in a mixer to fine paste.
            • Take 150ml. of milk at room temperature.
            • Add 4-5 tea spoons of paste of cooked Lauki.
            • Churn in mixer.
            • Add pinch of cardamom powder mix, pour the mixture in a tall glass.
            • Cool it in fridge for 3-4 hrs.
            • Top it up with 1 tea spoon of finely cut Pista  (pistachio) and serve it as pista shake to the children.
            • The green color of the peel will ensure it looks green like pista shake.
            •  They will love it and lap it up till they do not see you Making It!!!!
            • You can freeze it and serve as pista ice cream.:)
            • Children love cheese : 
            • so try to make parathas stuffed with cheese.
            • Uttapa topped with onion, cheese, tomato.
            • Omelets topped with onions, tomatoes, cheese, and some greens.
            • Little cheating with children for their good is not a bad idea so sneak some greens like methi, spinach, coriander.
            • This will make sure your child is  hooked to homemade food. Remember occasional pizzas and burger will not harm the child but frequent use is not good for health.
            • Make Sandwiches from whole wheat bread / multi grain bread instead of white bread : -
            • Use cucumber, onion , tomato, chicken,eggs, cheese and sneak in few shreds of Raw spinach / Salad leaves / Mint / Coriander/ Celery /Parsley.
            • Using different ingredients and herbs will change the flavor and taste of sandwiches and the child gets complete nutrition.
            • Remember everybody likes change in the taste so surprise your children and entice them to eat homemade delicious, nutritious sandwiches.
            • Noodles are another favorite of children so do not get worked up about their nutrition if they ask for noodles / pasta time and again.
              • Instead just boiling the noodles/ pasta and giving them to the children.
              • Cut cabbage, French beans, Carrot, Onion some peas, shredded chicken and sauté them
              • Add to boiled noodles along with grated cheese, tomato sauce, soy sauce, chili sauce (optional).
            This way child get the food they want along with full nutrition! Child is happy and Mom is also happy.